Not everyone is cut out to stand in front of
crowds to speak or lead. Fortunately you don’t have to be a public speaker or
charismatic person to be a leader. God can use “A Word Fitly Spoken…” (Pr.
25:11) to accomplish great things. That word can be spoken at Home or at Work
or at School. Really it can be anywhere!
God has given each
of us a “Circle of Influence” to work with and lead. Matthew 5:13 – 16 reminds us that the Lord desires for us to be
both “Salt” and “Light” in this present world. The Lord desires us to use our
influence be it great or small to lead or make a difference when and where we
can. If we fail to be that influence Matthew
5:13 lays it out pretty clear. We are “…good for nothing…”! That doesn’t
mean that we are useless it just we are unusable. Don’t allow fear or shyness
to make your life unusable for the Lord.
As the World around us gets darker and darker
even the smallest of lights will have a larger influence. You may think that
you can’t do much as one small person. Look at what the Lord said in Mark 12:43 about the Widow’s two mites.
It’s not the size of the gift that matters. It’s the size of the sacrifice and
the heart with which it is given. Let me challenge you this week to be a light
and shine for the Lord. Just remember we are to shine, not to be seen of men,
or for a pat on the back, but we are to shine “…that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”