Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Amy Carmichael was an inspirational lady. She served the Lord faithfully for over 50 years in the Country of India. There is an interesting story about her childhood that I think we can all learn a lesson from. When Amy was a small child she prayed that the Lord would change her eye color from brown to blue because she thought her eyes were ugly and boring and blue eyes were so pretty. The Lord obviously never answered that request and later in her adult life those brown eyes helped her to “Fit in” with those on her Mission Field. The Lord always knows what’s best and He has a plan for your life!

From time to time we can allow discontentment to creep into our lives and we can begin to question God as to what He is doing or why He is doing a certain thing in our lives. We can even get to the point where we begin to doubt or question God. Remember Isaiah 55:8&9 tells us that God’s thoughts and ways are much higher than ours. He sees your life in a much larger context that you ever will.

My encouragement to you is to “Bloom Where You Are Planted”. We are all like flowers in God’s garden. He plants us when and where He wants us. Could you imagine your flowers refusing to grow simply because they didn't like where you planted them. That would be silly. Don’t waste time questioning God and trying to figure out how to change the circumstances in life. Just get busy serving the Lord and put your roots down into the Word of God and He will take care of the rest. Whatever the situation may be that you are facing or going through in Life, remember we serve a faithful and loving God who has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Matt. 28:20). If you will be faithful to Him, He will be faithful to you!

*Check our more on the Life of Amy Carmichael

Friday, April 12, 2013

Speaking the Truth

How many times have you said something similar to "I am just going to tell them what they need to hear"? I have said this myself, a few times. There is absolutely nothing wrong with speaking the Truth! However, I want to challenge you to consider the following the next time you are going to tell it like it is.

1.) Is it actually the truth or is it my opinion?
       - We seem to confuse these two very easily. As a matter of fact many times our "truth" is truly just our opinion on a matter. If you are going to speak the truth it is necessary to put self aside and to seek what is actually true not just your opinion or what you have always thought. Remember there was a time when the general consensus was that the World was flat. Thankfully someone challenged that "Truth" and we ended up discovering America!

2.) Do I need to say it?
       - I find that most people already know what is going on in their life and the last thing they need is for me to point out the obvious. When you point out the obvious issues it can be like rubbing salt in an open wound. Ouch! Now there are time when it is necessary to speak up and help someone see something they are missing. This is especially true for Parents when dealing with their Children. As a Parent you have the experience to say "Hey, I have walked this road and believe me you don't want to". As a friend sometimes it is necessary to speak up and help a friend who has been blinded by sin or maybe even another person. 

3.) How do I Speak?
       - When you know you have the truth and you have evaluated the situation and it is necessary to speak up, how do you do it? The answer is actually quite simple. We find the proper motivation and way of speaking the truth in Ephesians 4:15...

 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 

We are to speak the truth In Love so that we may assist others in the goal of growing in Christ! Is this your method and purpose for "Telling it like it is"? I challenge you to evaluate yourself and see if you line up with this passage. 

Remember you can say the right thing to the right person in the wrong way or for the wrong reason and you can become wrong for doing so! Follow the Biblical method for "Speaking the Truth"!