Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Use Me!

As a child I remember looking into my dad’s collection of tools and thinking, “Wow, look at all those different tools”. I had no idea what most of them were used for but I knew that my dad knew! He would ask me for a Crescent Wrench or a Phillips Head Screw driver and after he would explain to me what they looked like I would retrieve them from the tool box and hand them to my Dad.

I would watch in amazement as that lifeless tool would go to work on whatever problem we were trying to solve. That tool which had just been laying there all dirt and greasy was now meeting the need of the car or building or whatever we were working on.

Similar to that tool we as Christians are to be tools in the Lord’s Tool box. Sure, He could solve problems and meet needs by just speaking the word but He desires to use us, his “tools” or instruments as Romans chapter 6 says. Before we were Children of the Lord we were in service to “unrighteousness” Rom. 6:19 but now as His Children we are to serve the Lord just as fervently if not more so.

My challenge to you as well as to myself is to consider whether you are a tool the Lord can use. Are you…
             * Willing
The Lord will not force any man or woman into service. He allows us to choose which master we will serve but make no mistake you must choose and it must be a willing sacrifice. Romans 12:1&2 describe this choice as our “reasonable service”.

            * Prepared
A call into action from the Lord is always preceded by a period of preparation! You see this all throughout the Scriptures. The 40 days in the wilderness spent by our Lord Jesus Christ was preparation for the coming public ministry Jesus was about to embark on. There would be trials and test from day one (i.e. the temptation of Satan immediately following). If you and I are going to be effective tools for the Lord we must take the time and opportunities the Lord allows to prepare ourselves for future service!

            * Useable
It has been said that the greatest ability is availability. Let me ask you; are you available for the Lord’s use? Is your life in alignment with His word? Are you encumbered by debt or other worldly weights that are rendering you unavailable or unusable? Hebrews 12:1 says “…let us lay aside every weight…which doth so easily beset us…”. Many Christians are willing to serve and have taken the time to prepare but still cannot be used because their life or decisions they have made are hindering them. Is that true of you?

I challenge you to evaluate your life according the looking glass of God’s Word and ask yourself if you are a tool in the Lord’s tool box He can reach for and use to meet the needs of those around you!

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