Thursday, March 14, 2013

Filled With Knowledge

Man is always seeking knowledge and wisdom. People will spend the better part of a Decade or more in College, Grad School and beyond to prepare for a specialized field of work.

Not only will people spend a great deal of time investing in an education but a great deal of money as well. Many times it takes the next decade or longer to pay off the School Bill after they finally make it into the desired field. Look at the average cost of a year of College for 2012-2013...

"In its most recent survey of college pricing, the College Board reports that a "moderate" college budget for an in-state public college for the 2012–2013 academic year averaged $22,261. A moderate budget at a private college averaged $43,289." - (

Many people that spend this great deal of time and money on a college education do so for the prestige that the World gives for such accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, I believe a good education will be a great asset in your life but Jeremiah 9:23&24 gives us a clear challenge regarding what knowledge we should glory in.

- 23 - Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:  -24- But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.

Look at the passage in Colossians 1:9 where Paul is praying for the Christians at Colossi. What does he desire for them? "...that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding:. The word for knowledge in this passage is Epignosis (pronounced e-pē'-gnō-sēs). The term is referring to a detailed or experiential knowledge of someone or something.

If you are going to seek knowledge and understanding let me encourage you to seek this experiential knowledge of who God is and how He can work personally in your life today. Don’t glory in man’s “wisdom” rather glory in knowing who your God is because you have a real, working, vibrant, relationship with Him.

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